Preventions: When all else fails, try these home remedies; (some will seem awfully "more-than-strange")!

  • Sneezing is heavenly! But hold the top of your head very tightly and securely so as not to have the feeling that your head will blow off and/or create a larger headache. Sneezing actually relieves the pressure cooking inside your head!
  • Apply and alternate a heating pad on neck and ice pack over eyes/nose
  • Tie a kerchief into a band or fit a band tightly around your head to create pressure :%$amp; allow some relief. A knit cap may also be used but it does tend to slide off the head :%$amp; sometimes can serve to induce a larger headache if it is too tight or too loose.
  • Wrap a good-feeling pillow tightly around the head while sleeping; it allows one to feel secure; the head doesn't get rolled around and it is soft and helps create quiet.
  • Buy a wedge to use as a regular pillow; you will be thankful for this! Oftentimes sitting up to sleep is helpful, but a wedge pillow allows one the opportunity to adjust their neck to the right angle that is suitable just for them, placing it partially under the shoulders and just right at the head. No more waking up with a crick in the neck, sore shoulders or even worse, another (or bigger) headache. Sweet dreams!
  • Depending on the severity of the headache, place the feet higher than the head; sometimes it is better to keep the head higher.
  • Find pressure points (at eyebrow, jaw line, bridge/sides of nose, base of neck, behind ears), press gently but firmly, remembering to remove slowly; this will oftentimes relieve the pressure and/or rid the headache. This only takes about 30-40 seconds and can even be done while riding in the car if the migraine has come on suddenly.
  • Try hanging from something: the monkey bars, a stairwell, a railing, the rack on your truck, the beam in your garage or front porch; doing so helps re-align the bones in your back; and you may not have even realized your back was out!
  • If your neck :%$amp; jaw serve as much of the cause for your headaches, use a stick. You heard me--get a broomstick, a mop stick, a curtain rod, a metal pole, a thin tree limb will also work; something that is long enough for you to put over your shoulders and hang your arms over, like carrying buckets on a yoke. I know, it sounds just plain whacky--but when you hurt, you hurt--and i'll try just about anything to get the pain to stop! With your arms hanging over the stick, bend slightly at the waist. Press the neck against the stick, turning your head in one direction toward the stick while at the same time pushing your arms down to press the stick toward the neck. Repeat for both sides; even a towel will do nicely. Yes, if you felt or heard a nice crunch, I know, I know, "Man that 'hurt' so good!" If your shoulders aren't what ail you, try using the stick a little further down wherever the pain seems to be the most. Keeping the body limber :%$amp; being fit is absolutely the key!
  • If your jaw is out of alignment try using a firebrick. Yes, it's another one of those fluke things. Lie on the floor or the bed, lay the head to one side, placing the brick on top of the side that's out of alignment (usually the side that hurts the most). So, you feel stupid, right$%: Relax. If it works--and it will--don't knock it! Try to keep it there for at least 30 minutes; take a nap. The weight and constant pressure will actually allow your jaw to slowly ease itself back into place; at no cost! (Ok, so a firebrick is a dollar and change vs. how much for a doctor's visit, a shot of cortisone that won't last or the pain of surgery to have your jaw wired$%:) Gimme a break! My vote is for what works, and at no cost, no pain and no days off from work or away from family!
  • Eat peanut butter or a banana when you are feeling low and peaked and/or keep Peanut Butter Bars (Lance's or Snickers Munch) on hand while traveling or shopping. With the protein :%$amp; iron from the peanuts and the slight sugar coating on the bar, this will help prevent your sugar levels from dropping until such a time as you are able to get some food into your system. When sugar levels are low, it causes headaches, especially when menstruating or if you are or have become hypoglycemic or diabetic.
  • When having trouble sleeping, drink warm milk and honey to taste (and i do like to taste it); it sounds disgusting to many, but is really very good (i'm someone who does not like milk). Warm milk and honey actually creates a natural chemical in the body which acts as a natural sedative which aids in sleep. Drink while in a dark, quiet place to help you relax or sit out on the porch and sip while watching the birds or the stars. Do not take this if you are not wanting to sleep; God only knows you don't need a nap during the day. As I stated in Part 1, naps will only serve to set you up for another headache and/or strengthen an existing one!
  • Gatorade is very helpful to help balance both your thirst and ward off a migraine until you can get to a good meal.
  • 2 Aspirin is also a good reliever--when chewed; swizzle in the mouth for about 10 seconds and then swallow. Be aware that aspirin is very hard on the stomach :%$amp; can cause ulcers and the like so, try to use this as a last resort. Always ask yourself how large your headache feels--one aspirin or two$%: Don't create problems for yourself; NEVER overdue it!
  • Imitrex is a last resort, but an excellent alternative for fast relief. It's a prescription which comes as a nasal spray, chewable tablets or in shots, and quite expensive for those without insurance. But one MUST take it at the 1st signs of headache. If a headache goes unchecked for too long, it will become full blown and one is looking at missed work days and missed family time, not to mention the 3 days recoup time while your head tries to get itself together.
  • Migraine is a trauma for your body! Afterwards there will be real fatigue, confusion and weakness. Once recovered, it's remarkable how our bodies make us "forget" so we can get on with life. It's oftentimes hard to really remember the pain; we just know that it hurt and we don't want to go there again. But all too often, we think that what we choose to do or eat is worth the pain--until the next migraine--then you'd really like to kick yourself in the whazoo! When you reach for the wrong foods, when you've eaten too many sweets, keep remembering the pain and how much it is NOT worth it! The 'down time' alone throws everything out of whack: your thought processes, alertness, judgment, temperament, fun, household chores, time with family :%$amp; pets, work and getting back into the swing of things and the make-up time for all of the aforementioned! To your continued GOOD HEALTH!

Some instances

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The Applied Psychologist 2 Sub edition by Hartley, James published

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By Lawrence J. Gitman, Chad J. Zutter: Principles of Managerial

"clean-kicks": Erlebniszentrierte Maßnahmen in der


De Templo Salomonis Liber y otros textos de masonerA­a

Rick Steves' London 2012

Missouri Department of Conservation: The First 50 Years

Australia's Birthstain: The Startling Legacy of the Convict Era

The Army and Navy Journal on the Battle of the Little Bighorn and

Almost: A Love Story

Racial Discrimination and Minority Business Enterprise: Evidence


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