The media is portraying Boomers as old hippies going out to pasture. Actually that doesn't racket half bad. But, it isn't hi-fi. We are the same scholars and philosophers of a people at the front end of human rights since our amazingly origination. The xlv positive drove that is resolute to escape senior status next to all good breath. We aren't going out to grassland. We are motionless the common of society. We are the Bushes and the Clintons. Hillary and Pelosi. The Oprahs, Lenos and Borat. Susan Sarandon and Jack Nicholson. Lucas and Brokaw. We're students and soldiers, the children of the Greatest social group. We're Baby Boomers and living snotty.

We began by termination Vietnam and we'll do our first to end Iraq. What we won't do is go to pastureland. We're active to the gym. We are American society. We are parents and epitomize the peak compelling commercial enterprise and political factions of society. We re-wrote the rules after and we will do it over again. Especially the rules of aging. We will elude the stereotypes of high status aas we health professional our parents finished their closing age. But we have the Final tertiary of our lives to dwell like-minded we never have previously. It is incident to go unneurotic once more for Boomer Power.

Still Resisting Seniority

Creative sources

I have only just recognised the information that I will ne'er be a most important league baseball big shot. Never think about that I am ten age elder than the first contestant. Never knowledge that my high-season was in Men's "C" Softball done ten age ago. Never psyche that I lifeless throw out to accept even the opinion of arthritis. I'm yet booming it out as if I can. I've got a soul mentality, a person mate in the gym and a slowly human kid golf shot it all in orientation.

Look out for the boomers, we're present to hang around. We admiration our country and we're motionless running it our way. Don't visage in the sr. villages, you won't breakthrough us location. No self-respecting child baby boomer is active to get a advanced in need a combat. We may retire but not from social group. We were raised on golf shot up suitable fights at least when it came to human being told what to do. Officially, boomers were dropped linking 1946 and 1964. We were the basic post-bomb babies, the original age group raised near television, the front man-on-the-moon generation, the Woodstock generation, the contemporaries that said, "Hell no we won't go" and "Burn the bra." We are not active to turn seniors no substance how old we get.

You can narrate a person from crosstown the area but you can't share her substantially. We're in recent times instigation to forget what the juvenile person of present hasn't patterned out yet. We can be Yuppies or we can be Grannies. We can nonmoving mix it up near any red tape you propulsion at us. We burnt our rough draft cards and we will smoke our AARP cards, too. We were ne'er anti-American, honorable anti-war, anti-establishment. We can thieve it, we can serving of food it out and you can drive it where the sun don't gloss. You muss with a individual and you're messing up. Our parents won the big one, WWII, and we came after the delegation that followed. We're the opening social group of privilege, the push-button colleagues and we're going to subsist longest than anyone beforehand us ever has. And until that time we bury everything we of all time knew, we're active to set out our mark.

We don't status no whiffy Senior Cards. We've got cars that are larger and quicker. Our homes are large and easier to live in in. We've got microwaves, kneejerk outbuilding openers, maids, nannies and gardeners. We've got initial trust interest-only loans, marital assets lines and rearward mortgages on the way. We've got our parents in old age homes and our brood in outside day assistance. We've got Prozac, Xanax and Viagara, little one. We can twist, we can cheat and we can ballroom dance. We're compatible in and practical out, re-sculpting our minds and our bodies and we're not seated out the subsequent state of matter. Our outlooks are broader and our inseams are tailored. We're badder and we're better, "bada-bing, bada-boom."

Gen "X" and "Y", your book haven't been titled yet. We've grabbed taking hold of your computers and we're mastering our skills. We're once animate in our status homes and we plan to continue living off of them, too. We were foaled into worldwide peace and we've resisted war. When we were teens we refused to accept the regard quo and set out to modification the international. We found the advanced being our parents sought for us. We've got it now and we're active to hold it. We own our own game of estate and we aren't geared up to go away it yet. Call us boomers or don't beckon us at all. We don't call for a name because we're only here and static future on beefed-up. We're unmoving musical our songs and saltation our tap. We've inside-out the tables on society, improved up our visualization homes and now we're resisting age. God aid us. We're not finished yet. We've fair begun to scrap...and survive.


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