It has been known since the 5th century that stress is related to one's perception, and when all the pressures of living in a fast-paced world mount up, a person's perception may be more negative than usual.

Most people are distracted and pressured by a plethora of concerns related to work, family, community and personal experiences, most of which they perceive they cannot control.

The first step in understanding the role stress plays in your life is to remember, stress is a perception. When your stressors are channeled properly, it can help push you toward your best outcome. However, if not channeled properly, a stressor can create havoc.

To reach your optimal ability to channel stressors properly the following tips will keep you on the right track.

o Make a list of all the things that prompt you to have a stress perception. Include everything, even if the list becomes long.

o After a break review your list. Prioritize each item as to how strong a stress perception you have when each issue is active in your day-to-day activities.

o Some issues will remain out of your direct control--such as: heavy traffic, phones ringing, etc. Create a dateline to complete your plans and mark the items off your list. Example: I will change my perception regarding heavy traffic, phones ringing, people's behavior. I will eliminate those issues in my life which are using time with little or no reward. For example: Resigning from committees which use time and give you little reward.

o Make long-term plans to alleviate stresses created through your work or personal relationships. Some relationships may need to be terminated. Such as changing a job through a transfer to another department or finding a new job. Or terminating a relationship which is causing more angst than joy. See my article, Stress Free Relationships.

Knowing that you can change your perception or circumstances will allow you a sense of empowerment, which increases your sense of responsibility for your perception. If your stress perception has reached the point of hopelessness or helplessness, you may need to seek professional help.

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