With literally thousands of opportunities available to entrepreneurs, it may seem difficult at times to decide which idea you should focus on to develop and nurture into a fledgling business. Many people spend too much time developing an idea, only to find out that there is some significant weakness that is preventing them from being successful. Having a set of quick assessment criteria to apply to every idea can save a great deal of time and allow you to focus on the high potential winners.

Everyone's assessment criteria will differ since their objectives and personal requirements will vary. In addition your list will grow and also be fined tuned overtime as you gain experience with it. Sometimes learning what you like to do and don't like to do will also cause you to make adjustments as well.

So what sort of criteria should be in an early assessment criteria list for assessing home based business ideas$%: The standard items for everyone should include the following: what are the revenue opportunities; what will the cost be to operate and produce whatever it is you are selling; what will it cost me to market and sell my products or services and who are my competitors$%: Can I make a profit and can I make a living from this home business$%: These are not insignificant questions. A great deal of time can be spent on each one, however at this early stage of assessment, you should merely spend a maximum of an hour on each one to make your assessment. If the idea makes your short list then you will spend more time analyzing these opportunities.


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There are other criteria that are of a more personal nature that should also be considered as well. Sometimes these are very easy to assess, however they can have a huge impact on what you do. For example, if your new idea involves a skill that you do not have, how long will it take you to learn or develop this skill$%: Should you subcontract this skill out to others$%:

Criteria such as skill sets required; equipment; space in your home; support of your family; bylaws if applicable; power; communications; access to shipping and raw materials etc are all items that you may want to also add.

One of the most difficult things to do when making your assessment is to separate the emotional assessment from the business assessment. Many people get caught up in the excitement of the moment and before they know it they have invested time and money that they may not recover. Spend a few days completing your assessment, talk to others about the idea and above all avoid making an emotional decision. After all you are operating a business!

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